Contact Information

Visiting address: Mosaiikkitori 2, Vuosaari
P.O. Box 98402, 00099 City of Helsinki

Vuosaari House porters tel. 09 310 85983

Getting there

Public transport

Vuosaari House is located close to Vuosaari metro station, next to Columbus Shopping Centre. In addition to the metro, you can take any of the following buses: 90, 90 N, 96, 96N, 818, 560, 813, 814, 815, 816, 817 & 819. The Journey Planner will show you the best route to Vuosaari House.

The underground car park at Vuosaari House is open 05:00–24:00.  All floors are directly accessible by lift.

Vuotalo´s Parking Hall

The address to the Parking Hall: Tyynylaavantie 7 A.

Driving directions: When you drive from Itäkeskus towards Vuosaari, Meripellontie changes into Vuotie after Vuosaari bridge. Two kilometres after the bridge, you drive under Columbus Shopping Centre. After around 200 metres, turn left on Porslahdentie, and left again on Tyynylaavantie. When you have driven under the shopping centre again, you will see a sign “Mosaiikkitorin pysäköinti” on the right. The underground car park has signs and direct access by lift to Vuosaari House.

Contactinformation to the Parking Hall

Vuotalo´s customers-parking in the P- and K-floors are administrated by Mosaiikkitorin Pysäköintilaitos Kiinteistö Oy. Contactinformation: HSL customer-servicespecialist Reino Aittomäki,


Vuosaari House is accessible to people with disabilities. All indoor and outdoor areas provide easy access and level corridors and passages.

  • The underground car park at Vuosaari House has disabled parking spaces and direct access to the main lobby and second floor by lift.
  • At the Vuotalo main entrance, there are thresholds exceeding 2 cm in height and the doors can be opened automatically with a button.
  • A disabled toilet can be found on the first floor.
  • The Ticket Office is easy to access.
  • Vuosali Hall has wheelchair spaces. If you need one, please mention it when buying a ticket or contact Vuosaari House staff in advance (tel. 09 310 85983). A personal assistant can accompany a wheelchair user to an event free of charge.
  • Vuosali Hall offers grounded power sockets.
  • Vuosali Hall has an induction loop. 


tuuli tokkola

09 310 71359, 050 438 8427

salla fornaro

Cultural Producer
Art education, programme for children and young people, gallery.
09 310 26154, 040 537 1520

ellen virman

Stage manager
040 192 4579​​​​​​​

Juri Ketola

Sound Manager 
09 310 88608, 050 542 6772 |


Mikko Virmajoki

Production Planner
Technical contact person for productions at Vuotalo and Stoa. (at Vuotalo on Thursdays)
09 310 88417, 0400 293 502​​​​​​​


minna roine

Communications Specialist
​​​​​​​Communication and marketing of cultural centres
09 310 88802, 040 192 4579



09 310 85983

Michaël Toledano

Cultural Producer
Programme, films and venue hire at Vuosaari House
09 310 22327, 040 657 1138

Siw Handroos-Kelekay

Cultural Producer 
Swedish and multicultural programme at Vuosaari House
09 310 88755, 050 522 6827

Jari Koskela

Lighting manager 
09 310 71348, 050 528 0014 |

Elina Kärkkäinen

Production Assistent

09 31021902 / +358 40 1883136 

johanna yrjölä

Communications Planner
Media inquiries and contact.
09 310 38147, 040 546 0536